Klarglas headlamps

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  • Hello

    I`m a boy from Norway and I`m not so good in german so I try english.

    Does anyone now where I can get klarglas headlamps for my VW T4?

  • Well... I've no idea where to get them in germany. If I remember correctly => there's no "klarglas" allowed in germany.

    You might find some asking dutch people, they are allowed to add/change more on their vehicles.

    A good forum might be: http://weetjewel.nl/phorum-3.4.5/list.php?f=7

    But: Maybe someone could help here but can't write english. We would translate it if we find something useful.

    Have you noticed "xenon" lamps with "klarglas"?

    Best wishes,


  • Oh X- fish,
    you are speekin so a nice english, that i´m so happy to reed it!!!! :D?(:D

    Man ist mit dem Schulenglisch lange her ?(


    der mit der Holland Edition!!!
    und dem Carthago!!!

  • Yes I have seen a picture of a lamp with "klarglas" and it has a xenon look.
    And I would like to get a pair of them..

  • ;) ...das hab ich grad heute bei T-Online gelesen:

    Zitat:......Fehler werden verziehen
    Wenn man mal nicht die richtigen Worte findet, zeigen sich amerikanische Partner jedoch sehr tolerant und helfen gerne über die Sprachbarriere hinweg. Als Todsünde gilt jedoch, zu einsilbig zu sein, weil man Hemmungen hat, sich eine sprachliche Blöße zu geben. "Bestimmte Redewendungen findet man eben nicht im Wörterbuch, .......Zitat Ende

    Nachzulesen hier:

    Survival-Guide Business-English

    Also immer drauflos :D

  • Vendor: Valeo

    Were sold at eBay

    Another actual auction

    But: Maybe they are "selfmade"...

    The VW Part No.:7D1 941 010D equals the normal H4 headlights (if that information is true).

    So have a look at this auction:


    <i>translated via google - sounds funny :D</i>

    SELFBUILT?? SORRY:Mir sold someone these headlights. This paged forward me a catalog with VOLKSWAGEN prices and presented to such a pair headlight, built in his T4.Und I was surprised, not only, because its car looked at me with a face, rather, because I soetwas yet do not shit I to me seen have now because of the installation costs into the trousers and she would sell gladly.</quote>

  • Yes. it was this picture I have seen....
    It is awesome.
    It have been cool to have a pair of this

  • also weiter in Denglisch - let's continue writing in german-englich-mixture ;)

    The vendor of that headlights is not Valeo! Valeo parts are only the holder (was heisst "Rahmen" noch gleich?) and the reflector, where the xenon bulb is mounted in...



  • ..... dem C@rsten ein Wörterbuch reich...... :D:D:D

    Rahmen = FRAME

    Gruß Bernie

  • *doh* (wie das Fischchen immer so schoen sagt / like X_FISH used to say)

    ganz einfach, wie bei Webseiten - ok, ich bin blond...

    it's very easy, same word is used at website designing - but I'm blonde ;)

    Gruss / Regards,


    btw: heisst das bei den Scheinwerfer-Rahmen genauso?